Now Accepting New Writers

Writer laying on couch with laptop

To anyone on the outside, I live the typical middle-class life …

I drive a minivan, yell at my kids to hurry up, know the baristas at Starbucks, and wave at my neighbors as they mow their lawns.

But my reality is a 20-hour workweek … a six-figure income …

And the freedom to do what I want, where I want, when I want.

“How’s that possible?” you ask.

Easy — I’m a writer.

But not just any kind of writer …

People hear the word “writer” and assume you live on rice and beans, have piles of manuscripts under your bed, and wear a lot of black.

Or they ask what you’ve published, thinking that all writers write books.

But this kind of writing I do … it’s outside the box. None of those stereotypes apply.

In a way, it’s the opposite of what people think of when they imagine what writers do …

Heck, it’s the opposite of most of the jobs out there these days!

The simple truth is this: The writing I do (which you can do, too), gives you the kind of lifestyle most people dream about …

 … There’s no limit to how much you can earn — You can pad your vacation fund with an extra $10K each year, or aim straightaway for a six-figure income …

 … You’re completely in charge of your timeYou decide when to take a long lunch, or a long vacation …

 … You pick what kind of writing you do — Gone are the days where the boss makes you work on something you hate …

In short: It’s a writing career that sets you up to live life on your own terms.

Think about that for a minute …

What could be better?

I asked myself that question years ago and couldn’t come up with an answer. Because it was exactly what I wanted in life: To call my own shots and spend my days as I pleased. To not waste away my best years in morning traffic jams and monotone meetings.

I wanted a lifestyle that made it easy to be there for my kids, go on vacation in the off-season, and take long lunches without asking permission.

And as someone who’s stared down a big pile of debt — I never wanted to worry about my bank account ever again.

The kind of writing I do gave me all that … and more.

You should know, I’m not the only one at this. The path I followed has been journeyed by hundreds of other writers I know — successful writers who decided to grab life by the horns and never settle for less than what they want.

Collectively, we call ourselves Barefoot Writers. It’s a little tongue-in-cheek, sure. But when you make your living as a writer, there’s no dress code. No need to report to an office.

In short, YOU’RE FREE of virtually all the obligations most of the working world has to juggle.

You can wear slippers and write cross-legged on the couch. Or write out in the sunshine by the pool, or near the beach.

In the summer, I write from a deck chair by a cluster of zinnias and a gurgling water fountain where doves come to splash. In the winter, I nestle into a big cushy chair and write by the fireplace.

You’re probably wondering, “How can I get in on that lifestyle of freedom and opportunity?”

Well, I’ll tell you …

But first, know that you don’t need a fancy degree, or years at an internship.

You don’t need to uproot your life and family and move across the country.

In fact, it’s bizarrely easy to become part of our Barefoot Writing World …

Really, you just decide it’s the life for you.

And then, you go for it.

That’s what I did. So I get it — deciding is the hardest part. You have to give up those stereotypes I mentioned earlier. And some others, too …

Like the idea that you have to “work hard” to make a great living. As a Barefoot Writer, you can make a great living, enjoy what you do, and have plenty of time to play and relax.

There’s also the belief you have to “pay your dues” like so many of our parents and our grandparents did. But the truth is … nope. Once you’re part of the Barefoot Writing World, you get green-lighted over to easy street.

As a Barefoot Writer, you don’t have to accept the status quo. You don’t have to waste hundreds of hours in commuter traffic. Your time won’t get squandered on mundane projects. Your vacation days aren’t capped at a paltry two weeks.

Once you decide this is the life for you, you can join our group and live the life of a Barefoot Writer.

What does that mean? It means you shun cubicles and embrace white sand beaches. It means you’re there for your family when they need you and you don’t worry about bill collectors knocking at the door.

And our group? It’s called the Barefoot Writer Club.

As a group, we support each other’s writing aspirations, help one another climb higher and earn more, and kick up our heels to have a great time when we get together.

Here’s the catch, though. We don’t let just anyone join our club. You need to have an interest in writing, obviously. Just a small one (if you can write an email, you’ll fit right in).

You also need to believe that life is better outside the box (or outside the cubicle). You need to feel comfortable with the idea of going for what you really want in life, and getting it.

If you get the green light to join our club, here’s what we give you to start:

  • Info on where to find paid writing opportunities
  • Strategies to help you launch your writing career fast
  • Advice and support from fellow writers who are already successful
  • Proven tips on creativity and productivity
  • Roadmaps that show you how to get your name out to the people willing to pay high fees
  • Discounts of up to 50% — sometimes hundreds of dollars — from celebrated, niche-specific writing programs
  • 12 full-color issues of our premiere, digital monthly publication, Barefoot Writer Magazine
  • Plus a lot more …

After being part of the Barefoot Writing World for so long, I can’t imagine ever having to conform to a typical, limited way of life.

Sure, that way of life works for other people, and they’re happy, and that’s just fine.

This writer’s lifestyle — this secret, unique approach to going after what you want in life and getting it — will only work for you if you’re ready to experience what true life freedom can mean.

Ready to join us in the Barefoot Writing world? Click here to become part of our Barefoot Writer Club.

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Published: October 25, 2024

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