Practice: Why is it so Important?
Hi, my name is Jessie.
I’m a writer like you and also a big reader. When I read something that helps me or inspires me, I can’t help but want to share it with my fellow writers.
So that’s what I’m doing today … sharing advice about something you might be wondering about.
And that’s … how important is practice when it comes to AWAI’s training programs?
Specifically, you may have asked …
- “Only a few of the exercises in this program are turned in for review. Does that mean I don’t have to do every exercise?”
- “This exercise tells me to rewrite this example 20 times. Do I have to do it that many times?”
- “Since we don’t turn in the workbook, do I have to fill it out?”
These questions have been asked in many ways by writers at different levels of their careers. Essentially, the question always comes down to the same thing …
“Do I have to practice this much?”
I can’t lie … I have asked similar questions in many aspects of my own life. When I was in high school, my assistant soccer coach used to say, “Practice makes permanent”, which in the world of athletics meant, “practice like you play”. This is so you can execute these incredibly necessary fundamentals without a second thought during the game. And while I don’t play soccer anymore, this idea is still relevant and has resonated with me in every aspect of life since.
Recently I was reading Terri Trespicio’s book “Unfollow Your Passion”.
If you’re not familiar with Terri and have struggled with finding yourself as a writer — or really anything you strive for — I’d highly recommend her book. Terri is an award-winning writer and a speaker whose TEDx talk, “Stop Searching for Your Passion,” has been viewed more than six million times. AWAI was even lucky enough to have her as a speaker in a past AWAI Bootcamp.
She has a whole chapter in her book conveniently titled, “Practice makes purpose” … As I was reading this chapter, I couldn’t help but think about all the calls from our members I’ve gotten that ask that question in one way or another … “Do I have to practice this much?”
And while my orange highlighter saw a lot of action in this chapter, there’s one line in particular I highlighted that I KNEW I had to share with you. It’s a line I truly believe and one that I have surely repeated many times over the phone, to myself, and even to my friends and family who struggle with the same thing!
“What practice lacks in excitement, it makes up for in power.”
Did you feel it?
That overwhelming wave of clarity that just rushes through your body when you read a line that you feel was written JUST for you. When you read something that makes you feel visible, makes you feel seen, but ultimately one that makes things so clear and takes that weight off your shoulders.
Let’s be very clear … Practice is not fun — it is not meant to be exciting. And as someone who is easily distracted and quickly bored, practice can be something I tend to dread.
But when you’re working towards anything important to you … like, say, the writer’s life!! … practice is a necessity.
So what’s my answer when I’m asked a similar question to the ones I’ve shared above?
“You don’t have to, in most cases the only one holding you accountable is yourself, but on your path to success your willingness to practice will help in your efforts to become successful.
“So my advice? Practice! Practice! Practice! You’re not going to remember the hours of practice, but you’ll never forget the outcome.”
Here’s to your success!

The AWAI Method™ for Becoming a Skilled, In-Demand Copywriter
The AWAI Method™ combines the most up-to-date strategies, insights, and teaching methods with the tried-and-true copywriting fundamentals so you can take on ANY project — not just sales letters. Learn More »
thanks for sharing a post that highlights to awaken the readers to the undeniable fact about the impact of doing regular practice.
Well said, Jessica. The best rise to the top in any endeavor because they perfect their craft. Study and practice are required for any serious performer to reach their full potential. We must practice so we may be an elite performer. Did we join AWAI simply to develop and harness our skills, or did we join so we could be elite at what we want to do? If we want to be elite, practice as if you were writing to direct that person to make a call to action.
Guest (Michael J Van Ruden) –
“What practice lacks in excitement, it makes up for in power.”
Thank you, Jessica, that was so powerful.
For months, I've set aside 30 minutes daily to hand-copy a sale letter from AWAI or one of the samples I got with The AWAI Method program. I do it, but I haven't always felt certain it was the best use of my time.
Your article quelled those fears. Now I can't wait to get back to practicing my craft.
Greg Fisher –