Seven Rich Reasons to Become a Health Copywriter
She’s been called the Queen of Controls. And when you count the number of successful sales letters she’s written over her career, you know why that nickname suits her.
I’m talking about none other than million-dollar health copywriter, Carline Anglade-Cole. You might recognize her name. In October 2015, she was awarded AWAI’s coveted Copywriter of the Year.
Besides the accolades and money she’s earned, something else that makes Carline stand out among the “A-list” copywriters is that she likes to pay it forward. Meaning, she doesn’t mind passing on her years of knowledge to up-and-coming writers.
In fact, she’s even put together a brand-new program where she’s going to give you the skills and know-how to become a high-paid health copywriter. And not only that, but you get feedback from her on your work. This way, you’ll feel comfortable and confident that you understand what it’s like working with health clients.
It’s a limited program for a handful of aspiring writers. Don’t wait too long to sign up or you risk all the spots being taken. The details on her program are here.
Now, let’s focus on the reasons WHY you should consider becoming a health copywriter. Turning to Carline, she put together her top seven reasons. Here they are in Carline’s own words …
Reason #7
Health is a fast-growing market — so TAP THAT WALLET!
Over 78 million Americans born between 1946 to 1964 make up the “Baby Boomers” — and THOUSANDS of these folks are turning 65 every day.
With a longer life expectancy — they’re looking for ways to stay healthy and get more out of life. These folks are not the “over the hill” gang — they’re your CASH COW!
Existing and NEW companies are creating health products like crazy — and they need copywriters. That’s a HUGE opportunity for YOU.
Reason #6
You can BE your market!
If you’re already a Baby Boomer — you’ve got an inside track to understanding your market. You’re experiencing aches and pains anyway — so why not use that firsthand knowledge and get paid?!
Decades ago, I had to create focus groups of older folks so I could “get into their heads” and understand their problems. But now …
I’m in my 50’s — and believe me — I AM the market. So when I write my copy — I’m writing to convince ME of how wonderful this product is. And if I can believe in the promises — I’ve got a great shot at convincing the rest of the market too. So make your pain — your gain.
Reason #5
“Niche-ing” — is the key to RAPID success!
A funny thing happens when you create exclusivity — you get MORE business.
That’s probably why brain surgeons make a heck of a lot more money than general practitioners.
When I repositioned myself as “a copywriter who specializes in the alternative health field” — I got MORE jobs than when I was a general “take whatever comes my way” copywriter. In fact …
… When I “niched” myself (ow, that sounds painful, doesn’t it?) … I actually DOUBLED my income in one year. Woo-hoo! Specificity sells!
So even if you don’t have a boatload of clients — you can start to niche yourself starting right now! How?
Just say it.
“I’m an alternative health copywriter.”
Now be it!
Reason #4
Demand for alternatives to drugs and risky surgeries is smokin’ HOT!
This market wants natural remedies to say “Bye Bye Bypass” and they’re “Sick and Tired” of taking fistfuls of prescription drugs.
(By the way, “Bye Bye Bypass” and “If You’re Sick and Tired” were two of my headlines that KICKED BUTT in the health market.)
And another thing:
These folks have the purchase power to pay dearly for natural remedies that really work. That means steady work FOR YOU.
Reason #3
Health companies are DESPERATELY SEEKING good writers!
Demand is at a premium for health copywriters who can bring in new customers. But “A-list” copywriters get snatched up very quickly! For example, my 2018 schedule is already booked! That’s good news for you because that means less competition for the other opportunities.
What other opportunities?
The other JOBS less-experienced writers can snatch up.
You see …
… Once a company gets a new customer — the customer becomes part of the “house file” — and the company will continue to sell other products to the house-file name.
Here’s the thing. The company doesn’t want to pay “L’il ole me” my hefty copywriting fee to write all those follow-up messages …
… They’re looking for someone more reasonably priced (aka cheaper) to write renewal promotions, back-end, and other cross-selling products to the existing customers!
That gives YOU a great opportunity to get in the “backdoor” and do your THANG!
Reason #2
You get to sample NEW products BEFORE they hit the market!
The truth is: Supplements ain’t cheap. So how cool is it when your clients send you TONS of samples for FREE?!
I’ve tried a bunch of really cool and innovative products. For example …
… while everyone at the next cocktail party is complaining about feeling tired and waking up at all hours of the night — you can tell them about little-known Chinese remedy called “Yi Fang” — that’s proven to give you restful sleep.
And if a friend is worried about his heart or experiencing poor circulation — drop some knowledge about the remarkable miracle gas molecule called Nitric Oxide. It says “Open Sesame” to your arteries.
Oh — if you see a neighbor reaching for that bran muffin to get more fiber to fight constipation — tell her about the amazing non-fiber remedy that helps you “Just DOO it!”
Yep — these are all new products I helped to introduce to the alternative health market. And they kicked butt!
And my FAVORITE reason for JUMPING into the health market NOW is …
Reason #1
You get an honorary “doctor” status — without paying the high tuition fees!
Your friends and family will flock to you for advice and remedies to cure their health problems — because they really think you’re an EXPERT.
You wouldn’t believe how many of my guy friends secretly ask me for natural remedies for male potency. One of my recommendations: Horny goat weed — I just love to say the name!
And my phone rings off the hook from girlfriends looking for natural remedies to help with their “personal summers” … fight off wrinkles … and lose weight!
Even my husband comes to “Dr. Copywriter” for ParActin to keep his joints from aching and beta glucan for an immune boost.
If you don’t know about these remarkable remedies — you WILL when your clients PAY you to become “Dr. Copywriter!”
So, there you have it. Carline’s top seven reasons to jump right in as a health copywriter.
Your Takeaway: As Carline says, the Health Market “is a smokin’ hot marketplace in need of copywriters.”

The AWAI Method™ for Becoming a Skilled, In-Demand Copywriter
The AWAI Method™ combines the most up-to-date strategies, insights, and teaching methods with the tried-and-true copywriting fundamentals so you can take on ANY project — not just sales letters. Learn More »
Sandy Franks' article on the 7 rich reasons to become a health copy writer is so very inspiring and encouraging to me. It speaks to me directly. I only wish I could wake up tomorrow with the skills I need to get on with the job.(Of course that is not going to happen. I have first to put in the work). But I know when that time comes, I will enjoy the work completely for it is about what I strongly believe in, I live it and I enjoy it. Thanks Sandy for the inspiration.
Themba –
I’m so excited seeing the many choices for a niche in the medical field. That gives me lots to think about. Yahoo! I have 35 years of experience in anesthesia but I’m not limited to just that. Such a feeling of freedom.
Retired CRNA –