Meet AWAI-Trained Writer:

Li Vasquez-noone

Li Vasquez-noone

Location: San Diego, CA
Professions: Copywriter
Specialties: B-to-B, Web/Internet

Li Vasquez-noone has completed the following verification and training to the satisfaction of AWAI’s Board of Advisors, with expertise in:

AWAI Verified™

Li Vasquez-noone is AWAI Verified™. The AWAI Verified™ seal indicates that a copywriter has …

  • Studied AWAI’s world-class The Accelerated Program for Six-Figure Copywriting, which covers the fundamentals of persuasive direct-response copy.
  • Passed AWAI’s robust test and demonstrated an understanding of copywriting principles and best practices.

Professional Background:

I Work with Business & Productivity Software Companies to Write Marketing Content that Resonates with Non-Technical Buyers

Your amazing business productivity software and apps can revolutionize the lives of every manager, administrative officer, employee, and small business professional who uses it.

The problem: how do you reach these busy people? And how do you show them how your software will meet their needs, without boring or confusing them?

The solution: You need a copywriter who can talk about your business software in terms that the non-technical end-user can understand.

That’s where I can help!

I’m a content marketing writer specializing in business & productivity software. I have an extensive technical background as a business software trainer, network administrator, and web developer. I also have 30 years of experience using business software. I’m passionate about finding the right software tools to help me work more efficiently — and about sharing them with others.

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