The Copywriter Who Changed My Life
Thanks to my association with AWAI, I’ve had the good fortune to meet some of the true stars of copywriting.
I’ve personally met and spoken with luminaries like Clayton Makepeace, Dan Kennedy, Mike Palmer, Herschell Gordon Lewis, and several dozen more. And of course, I’ve not only met but I’ve had the pleasure of working with Mark Ford.
Not to hurt any feelings, though, meeting one master copywriter meant more to me than any of the others. I met him at my first Bootcamp. To be honest, I was a little nervous. Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m not over-awed by famous people. They eat, sleep, and breathe just like the rest of us.
But this one copywriter—meeting him was a great honor. Why? He’s the one person responsible for getting me into copywriting. He didn’t know it at the time because he did it with his book Secrets of a Freelance Writer.
That copywriter is Bob Bly.
A body breaking down and a dream looming up …
At that point in my life about 20 years ago, I knew I’d have to leave my beloved profession of teaching disabled children. My body was breaking down. I knew a career that meant lifting adolescent children in and out of wheelchairs was not in my future.
When I talked to my wife Linda, she asked me what I really wanted to do the rest of my life. Not hard. I wanted to be a writer. (And had wanted to be one throughout my two previous careers.) But I was a friend with some very successful writers. Through them I knew the reality of the career. Writing is a damn hard way to pay the bills.
But Linda—ever my champion and support—urged me to pursue my dream. I went to Borders Books in Emeryville and looked through the numerous books on writing.
What’d I find? Garbage. Nothing that really talked about making a real living at something I loved so much.
Until I spied Bob Bly’s book on a lower shelf. The title (Secrets of a Freelance Copywriter) didn’t impress me. But the subtitle …
… How to Make $85,000 a Year sure as heck did. I’d never made $85,000 a year teaching. Never. So, I bought the book.
Bob Bly changed my life …
And he can change your life, too. But I’ll tell you about that in a moment.
You can understand my nervousness when I approached Bob at that Bootcamp 8 years ago or so. I recognized him from his pictures. But he was … well, he was Bob Bly, and who was I in comparison?
I expected a quick grunt from him when I introduced myself. I expected him to quickly turn away to chat with more important people. After all, he was the author of literally dozens of books. He’d had clients I could only dream of. He was …
… Bob Bly.
I anticipated some arrogance on his part. Arrogance like I’d seen in other super-successful people.
But I was wrong. Bob is one of the kindest, most approachable copywriters I’ve ever had the pleasure to meet. And it’s not just me who says so. Every AWAI member who’s spoken with Bob says the same thing.
Bob is generous with his time. More than generous. He’s also knowledgeable and a great presenter.
What does this have to do with you?
And most important, how can he change your life?
Bob is, as you might expect, a very popular presenter at Bootcamp. But one complaint (if you can call it that) I often hear after his presentations is, “I wish he had more time.”
Bob—and AWAI—are giving you more time. On July 25-27, Bob’s presenting—after a 9-year hiatus—his very popular and very successful Getting Clients Weekend.
But hearing Josh Boswell describe these 2½ days in Baltimore, this is far more than just about getting clients.
Don’t get me wrong. The single most pressing need for new copywriters (and some of us old copywriters, as well) is finding and keeping top-rank clients.
So, who better to tell you how to do that than the man who has written copy for and advised companies such as Grumman, AT&T, Sony, Bulova, Westinghouse, and … well, the list of Fortune 100 and Fortune 500 companies Bob’s worked with is truly impressive.
None other than Mark Ford has said, “Bob Bly is the best in the industry at selling himself as a copywriter. No one even comes close.”
This weekend with Bob is your opportunity to learn the secrets he’s perfected over his 35+-year career for getting and keeping clients.
But he won’t stop there. He’s going to tell you …
- Whether you should choose a niche or not …
- How to choose the best business name …
- Secrets for setting up your website …
- Everything you need to know about the right contracts, forms, and paperwork (you’ll need these when clients say, “YES”) …
- How to set up efficiency systems so you can get the job done quickly and enjoy the writer’s life daily (Before becoming a copywriter, Bob was an engineer. So he knows all about efficiency.) …
- Secret strategies to promoting your business with minimal effort and maximum rewards …
- 10 resources for attracting high-paying clients …
He’ll also give you …
- 5 kick-butt copywriting secrets that will put you ahead of the game …
- Secrets to making your copy world-class … just like he’s been doing for over 35 years …
- Proven strategies for earning royalties for grabbing profits long after you’re done writing …
- Secrets to every single aspect of closing the deal and working with clients, including getting the advance, managing your time, managing client expectations, writing best-practices, getting the final payment, and landing more projects from the same client …
- How to get rave testimonials and referrals, and securing portfolio and bragging rights …
The way Bob himself puts it …
“After leaving this event, you will have essentially learned in one weekend what it took me 35 years and tens of thousands of dollars to discover through hard trial and error about earning a six-figure income and accumulating a seven-figure net worth as a freelance copywriter.”
Sounds exciting, doesn’t it? To make it even more exciting, Bob and Katie have limited the enrollment in this magnificent success-building weekend to just 60 people.
That’s all.
What will getting to see Bob on such an intimate, personal basis mean for you and your career? Here’s what it did for Josh Boswell 9 years ago …
“In 2005, I went to a Bob Bly event. I knew nothing … no copywriting experience at all. 3 days later, I came out with 26 years of proven copywriting business secrets. It was more than enough for me to become a six-figure copywriter in 11 months … and increase my income every year for over 9 years.”
Click here for more information on Bob’s 2½ day personal success training—2½ days that will leap frog your success!
When you click this link, you’re not obligated to sign up. But I don’t know why you wouldn’t. And fair warning: Half of those 60 seats are already spoken for. I’d hate to see you lose out because you waited.
And when you get to the training, tell Bob, “Will Newman says hi.”

The AWAI Method™ for Becoming a Skilled, In-Demand Copywriter
The AWAI Method™ combines the most up-to-date strategies, insights, and teaching methods with the tried-and-true copywriting fundamentals so you can take on ANY project — not just sales letters. Learn More »