Get 12 Writing Templates for the Most In-Demand Projects

Write Faster, Gain Confidence, and Never Agonize Over a Blank Page!

Get Your Templates Now!

Staring at a blank page doesn’t get you anywhere…

That’s why writing pros don’t do it.

Instead of starting from scratch, they start with a template… something you can do, too.

Imagine sitting down to a new project for a client — or to work on something for yourself — and just whipping open a template and getting it done.

No blank-page blues or “writer’s panic” about saying yes to a new kind of project.

You just decide to do the project, open the template, and finish it up.

No mess, no stress. Just a nice, finished draft.

Never again will you ask yourself, Am I doing this right?

Of course you are! You’re following a tested, proven template. So you can ditch the doubts and be confident in the words you’re putting on the page.

That’s a big leg up, no question.

You’ll finish more projects faster…

Confident they’re done right. Which means you’ll be able to accomplish more as a writer!

Confidently Write 12 of the Most In-Demand
Projects with These Templates




Landing Pages

Blog Posts




White Papers

Video Scripts

Case Studies

Social Media

What You Get with Your Templates

You’ll get everything you need to expertly complete each project:

  • Complete templates to fill in, including notes about what goes where and why, and how to nail each section of the project perfectly…
  • Key questions you should ask your client so you can write the best-performing copy possible…
  • Research pointers, special considerations, and expert advice to help you navigate the nuances of each project with confidence (even if it’s the first time you’ve tried it)…
  • Even recommended bonus reading so you can deepen your personal knowledge of each project type.

Get Your Templates Now!

“These templates guided me through the expectations, needs, and pitfalls of creating an effective landing page.”
Ron Zetterberg

Today — Get All
12 Templates for $497!

Templates make your writing SO. MUCH. EASIER.

They give your projects a clear structure and show you exactly what needs to go where…

So you never have to figure out for yourself if you’re doing them right.

You’ll write faster and more confidently, which will let you take on more projects.

And you can get these proven templates for just $497… total.

That’s just $41.42 per template!

You’re Fully Backed by AWAI’s 100% Guarantee

Owning these proven-to-work templates is a totally risk-free opportunity for you.

Simply order your templates now, and you can use them for a full 30 days to save time, write faster, meet your goals, cut your stress level, build your confidence, and much, much more.

If, during the course of the next 30 days, you decide these templates aren’t for you — for whatever reason — simply contact our Member Success Team. They’ll make sure you get a full, 100% refund, plus our thanks for giving them a try in the first place.

Get Your Templates Now!