WRITERS WANTED: Earn $5,000 per Project (or More), Plus Generous Royalties

This is your personal invitation to get trained directly by AWAI’s senior copy chief…

… and get a chance to join our team as a go-to contractor…

Sandy Franks,
AWAI Senior Copy Chief
From the Desk of Rebecca Matter — President, AWAI…

Hi Reader,

Since we started AWAI more than 25 years ago, our goal has been to teach copywriters the skills they need to succeed and live the writer’s life.

And in terms of that goal, we’ve succeeded…

We have thousands of success stories from people from all walks of life who have learned the skills, applied themselves, and are now making a great income working from home. And as we continue on in 2022, we’re on track to see the most success stories in our company’s history!

Part of the “secret sauce” for all this success has been how we designed our training.

We modeled the lessons we teach after what you would typically learn as an “in-house” copywriter for a savvy direct-response company.

And more importantly, we’ve also modeled the “system” these top companies use to take ANYONE with a desire to learn (regardless of their background)…

… and turn them into a copywriter who can write multimillion-dollar packages in record time.

We’re talking people who were grocery clerks and went on to write some of the biggest controls the industry has seen. Former limo drivers who knew nothing about writing copy.

And even construction workers, rocket scientists, engineers, and CPAs who, again, have transformed their financial lives thanks to the royalties generated from their blockbuster copy.

Bottom line: The system works.

More importantly, it creates…

A “Win-Win” Scenario

Companies who use this training model win because the copy is strong and generates millions in revenue.

The writer wins because they get paid royalty checks that can oftentimes continue for years and years.

It’s why here at AWAI we’ve modeled this same process… and taken it to a whole new level.

For starters…

We went so far as to hire the copy chief who spent 30 years building many of the now legendary writing teams at some of the best-of-the-best publishers in the industry (you’ll meet her in just a moment).

Next, we injected our own copywriting principles into the training — including those we’ve learned from our Board of Advisors — which includes many “A-list” and million-dollar copywriters such as Bob Bly, Carline Anglade-Cole, Nick Usborne, Brian Clark, and many others…

The result is what we consider to be the absolute BEST training available for anyone looking to become a top-notch copywriter in the fastest time possible.

And it’s worked extremely well.

It’s the reason our in-house team of writers can produce such high-level copy.

And even more important for you:

It’s why we have literally thousands of success stories from everyday folks who are now living the life of their dreams.

Like AWAI member Colette Rice…

Before joining AWAI, she was a stage actor, bouncing from gigs in Shakespearean theater… to unstable jobs at nonprofits.

Then, through AWAI’s training, she was able to turn things around and now makes six figures as a copywriter. Says Colette:

What I wanted was a prosperous, six-figure writing career. I started focusing on that — and got exactly what I wanted.

— Colette Rice

Or Jake Hoffberg, who was over his job in sales. He hated what he was doing.

So he called his boss and quit, with no backup plan.

The clock was ticking and he had to figure something out fast.

That’s when he turned to AWAI.

After learning AWAI’s system for writing copy as quickly as he could, he found himself his first copywriting project and hasn’t looked back since.

Says Jake:

One year after I got my first paid copywriting project, I had made $140,000. What other opportunity do you have in 90 days to learn a skill and make six figures your first year doing it?

— Jake Hoffberg

And one of the most touching notes we’ve received was from Nicole Piper.

She was finalizing a divorce, her boss flew into town just to lay her off, and she was trying to make ends meet so her son could stay in school.

Life was closing in all around her, but Nicole didn’t panic.

She’d become an AWAI member and learned copywriting as quickly as she could. Today, she’s on track to far surpass her income at her previous career and has all the freedom and flexibility she needs to boot!

Says Nicole:

I wouldn’t be here today if not for AWAI, by any stretch of imagination…

— Nicole Piper

Bottom line: The training methods we’ve developed here at AWAI work.

It’s also why some of the largest direct-response companies have hired writers we’ve trained.

Which brings me to why I’m writing to you today…

One of the biggest challenges any serious direct-response company faces is lack of good copy.

It’s the one big bottleneck that can instantly stifle a company’s growth.

Even here at AWAI…

We’ve been on a big growth trajectory…

But the one thing that’s stopping us from growing faster is the need for great writers who know how to come up with winning BIG Ideas and turn them into great sales letters.

It’s not just us, either.

Many marketers in our industry are experiencing the same problem.

Which is why we asked our senior copy chief (the one responsible for building legendary copy teams at some of the biggest direct-response publishers) to see if she could create a way to “fast-track” writers into learning the skills.

This way, this fresh group of recruits can be hired by us or any one of the many companies that are in desperate need of top-notch sales copy… like, yesterday!

This creates the perfect scenario…

Companies who hire the writers to come out of this specialized training “win,” because they can eliminate that bottleneck to their growth — i.e., the lack of blockbuster copy.

The copywriters who are fortunate enough to go through this full immersion into the world of sales letter writing “win” — because it’ll put them squarely on the path to a bigger income.

Millions of Dollars in Royalties Up for Grabs

And speaking of income, the other perk of mastering sales letter writing in such a short period of time is the royalties.

Here’s how it works…

Once you write your sales letter, your client gets it ready to mail or go “live” on the internet…

Now, let’s assume you wrote a letter selling a $2,000 subscription to an investing newsletter.

And, let’s say that letter goes to an “audience” of 100,000 people.

Now, even if just one out of 100 (1%) end up buying that $2,000 subscription from the sales letter you wrote, that’s 1,000 people who bought.

And even at just one out of 100 people buying, it’s still enough to make YOU — the writer — a LOT of money.

Because 1,000 buyers at $2,000 each is $2 million in sales for your client.

Your client is thrilled because your letter just made $2 million walk through the door!

And in our industry, copywriters typically get paid a royalty on every sale — anywhere from 2% to 5%.

And remember — that’s on top of your up-front writing fee.

It’s like a commission… or a bonus.

So, assuming you get a 3% royalty on the $2 million worth of subscriptions your letter sold — that’s an EXTRA $60,000 you’ll be paid on top of your fee!

And not just once…

Because if a letter’s successful, it doesn’t get sent only one time.

It could get sent to customers two, three, even five times — which means one letter could keep paying you for years!

So, while you’re enjoying your “months off,” you could still be getting paid BIG royalties!

And because you’re making them so much money, these companies won’t bat an eyelash when it comes to writing royalty checks totaling millions of dollars to their writers.

Heck — even here at AWAI we recently wrote a single royalty check to one of our writers that totaled more than $50,000!

And we’re not even the biggest direct-response company around!

We’ve trained writers who’ve gone on to make six-figure royalty checks on a very regular basis.

And although companies like AWAI and others are more than happy to pay their writers VERY well…

One problem still remains:

Finding people who WANT to become top-flight copywriters.

Earn $5,000 per Project (or More), Plus Generous Royalties

Which is why we’ve put together this special training program…

It’s a condensed, full-immersion experience where you’ll learn how to write a sales letter — start to finish.

It’s going to be intense. And will require your full commitment.

You’ll be expected to do all the exercises and apply yourself 110%.

However, if you can do that…

You could join our team as a contractor for a MAJOR project…

One that includes a $5,000 fee (plus the chance for some very nice royalties).

Plus — you’ll be “ready,” as it were, to go after the kinds of clients who NEED top-flight writers to help them GROW.

And these are the kinds of companies that are HAPPY to pay fees of $5,000… $7,500… and in some cases up to $12,500+ (plus royalties), depending on how big they are and the niche they operate in.

Your Chance to Experience What It’s Like to Train “In-House” as a Copywriter

As I mentioned earlier, this training experience is modeled after what works.

You’ll come in — as if you’ve been hired as a full-time writer, and it will be assumed you don’t know a thing about writing copy.

Also —

Because we do need a bunch more copy, you’ll get to work on a sales letter for one of AWAI’s bestselling programs.

In fact, because you’ll need full “access” to this bestselling program you’ll be getting it absolutely FREE as part of this training. More on that in just a bit.

Now, don’t worry if the thought of writing a sales letter is frightening or overwhelming.

We’ll train you from the ground up, step-by-step, showing you how to write high-converting sales letters that you can charge top dollar for.

And then, we’ll even give you a chance to earn a certification to show prospective clients you CAN do this. That you’ve trained among the best and know what it takes to write powerful and persuasive copy.

What’s more, this is the kind of skill-building training that can put you squarely on track to earn a six or even seven-figure income in record time.

So please know…

We don’t take this opportunity lightly.

And because of the intensity of this experience, and the time commitment required by our senior copy chief, we’re not sure when she’ll have the time to do this again.

In fact, as I mentioned earlier…

You’ll be learning from one of the “legends” in our industry (who also now happens to be AWAI’s senior copy chief).

Meet YOUR Copy Chief

Her name is Sandy Franks, and she has more than 30 years of experience in direct marketing, copywriting, and more importantly for you — training writers.

In fact…

Sandy’s gained a reputation in our industry for her unique ability to turn aspiring, “green” writers into seasoned, control-busting “A-level” copywriters.

I worked with Sandy Franks for five years, and with her guidance, I was able to write one winning sales letter after another. If you want to learn how to become an 'A-level' copywriter, no one is more qualified to teach you than Sandy. Grab any opportunity you can to work with her. — Blair Morse

One writer she recently hired and trained is now among the most successful financial copywriters in the industry, earning millions of dollars in royalties writing for some of the biggest direct-response companies in the world.

Others, like Brian Bottarelli, Ryan Cole, Andrew Snyder, Ted Leinbach, Nick Rose — are all very successful direct-response pros now as well, either as freelance copywriters or as publishers in their own right.

And others, such as Blair Morse and Wayne Ellis, have gone on to become copy chiefs, working at multimillion-dollar publishing companies.

Today, Sandy is AWAI’s senior copy chief.

And through this rare and exclusive training experience, you can participate in the kind of high-level, one-on-one training that has produced some of the most successful copywriters our industry has ever seen.

Let me tell you more about it.

Introducing… AWAI’s Sales Letter Writing Mastery & Certification

It will be as if you’ve just been “hired” as a junior copywriter at a big publishing company…

You’ll be given a product to write for.

Then, instead of having to come to an office each day, you’ll meet with Sandy regularly online and then have the chance to communicate directly with her.

Aside from that, everything else will be virtually the same. Just as if you were an “A-list” copywriter-in-training at one of the legendary copy teams in our industry.

There’s no one better to learn copywriting from than Sandy Franks. I would know… I worked alongside her for years. And I can tell you without hesitation, seeing firsthand what it takes to create multimillion-dollar promotions was like having a front row seat in the publishing world’s best copy class… with one of its best teachers! Sandy’s guidance, mentoring — and yes, even a little tough love — is the reason I was able to ditch the 9-to-5 corporate world… become a freelance copywriter… and even sign an exclusive contract with a major publisher. — Jeff Little
Owner/Copywriter, TFE Ventures LLC

And just like in that sort of environment, you’ll receive detailed, constructive feedback on your work.

This way, should the opportunity arise to work with another firm, you’ll know what to expect working under the guidance of a copy chief.

You’ll meet once per week, online, for eight consecutive Wednesdays at 3 p.m. ET, starting May 18, as you work on your sales letter for an AWAI program.

And your last week together with Sandy will be dedicated to showing you how to parlay your newfound sales letter writing skills into high-paying assignments (that pay royalties) working with premium clients.

Plus — before you even get started, Sandy’s prepared a series of “foundational” trainings designed to get you up to speed and give you a rock-solid base from which to build.

Let’s take a quick look at what’s in store for you:

Your “Pre-Training” Think Like a Copywriter

To TRANSFORM you into an “A-level” sales letter writer, you’ve got to *think* like one.

That’s why Sandy created this first training for you — which is an orientation and foundation in what it means to be a successful “A-level” copywriter and how to think like one.

You’ll get a good understanding of our industry… who the players are… what you can expect in terms of fees and royalties… how to build your confidence, no matter where you’re starting from… and more.

Then, you’ll get into what makes for a GREAT copywriter, including why you need to “forget” everything you think you know about writing in general… from wanting to have perfect grammar and logical sentences… to letting go of the need to use big words and complex ideas.

After this first “initiation,” as it were, you’ll dive into the learning webinars, so you’re ready for your first “official” session with Sandy:

Learning Webinar #1: Welcome to the World of
Direct-Response Copywriting

In this webinar, you’ll come to know everything you need to know about direct-response copywriting.

  • You’ll learn the differences between institutional and direct-response marketing…
  • You’ll learn about the giants who pioneered our industry and the lessons you can take with you for the rest of your career…
  • You’ll learn why the sales letters you write for your clients are literally the lifeblood of their business — the success of which will determine what they do next and when as a company…
  • You’ll learn the “math” of direct response and how your clients will determine whether your copy was a winner…
  • And much more.

Learning Webinar #2: Gain a Competitive Edge

Now that you’ve got your bearings and have a good grasp on how our industry works…

It’s time to show you the things that matter and give you that competitive edge when it comes to sales letter writing.

You’ll discover:

  • The goal of EVERY sales letter…
  • The five elements that have the greatest impact on your sales letter’s results…
  • Why this is a “what” business and not a “why” business (understanding this slight nuance is key to your long-term success and income)…
  • How to know what works and what doesn’t (and how to reverse engineer your competition to uncover the secrets they’re using and not telling)…
  • Three proven sales letter writing techniques that let you effortlessly write winning copy for any client in any niche…
  • And much more.

Learning Webinar #3: One Sales Letter Can Make You Famous
(and a Six-Figure Income)

Finally, it’s time to see what’s truly possible once you apply yourself and master sales letter writing.

You’ll discover how one single sales letter can make your entire career.

In fact, Sandy will show you examples of writers and legends who’ve done just that — launched a six- and even seven-figure career off the success of a single sales letter they wrote!

She’ll even share the six characteristics and traits you need to develop to make this happen for you.

Sandy will walk you through the four quick action steps you can use to launch your sales letter career in the fastest time possible

And she’ll also reveal the number one secret for making it as an “A-list” copywriter (master this and you’ll have clients lining up to work with you).

By the time you’re done, you’ll be confident and raring to go.

Which brings me to what you’ll learn in each and every single one of your full-immersion copy training sessions…

Week 1 Uncovering the BIG Idea 💡

You’ll kick things off with Sandy by mastering what is hands down the most important part of becoming a well-paid, “A-list” copywriter…

Finding the BIG Idea.

Of course, this is every copywriter’s greatest challenge.

Because your Big Idea has to create intrigue. It’s got to be new.

And it’s got to suggest a benefit the reader really wants in his or her life.

Fortunately for you, this is Sandy’s area of expertise.

You’ll explore the science behind big “tipping point” ideas, how to identify them, where to find them, what a Big Idea looks and feels like, and more.

You’ll discover:

  • How to train yourself to come up with winning Big Ideas ALL the time using something called the “tuna fish sandwich” method…
  • The triune brain theory and how it applies to writing blockbuster controls driven by your BIG Idea…
  • How to do RESEARCH so your Big Idea “pops” out without much effort…
  • How to get to know your prospect and target audience, so you know what kinds of ideas will resonate with them…
  • Why thinking like a journalist can be your greatest weapon in your Big Idea writing arsenal…
  • The two types of research you can do to uncover a winning Big Idea…
  • And much more!

Week 2 Write Powerful, Attention-Grabbing Headlines

Now that you know how to find your Big Idea and the structure that drives every successful sales letter…

… it’s time to start at the top — with your headline.

The headline is what your prospects will read FIRST. So it’s critical you get this part right.

That’s why you’ll spend this week’s session uncovering what makes for a powerful, attention-grabbing headline.

Plus, you’ll learn:

  • What the main job of EVERY headline you write is (Hint: It’s got NOTHING to do with selling!)…
  • How to use the secret of The 4 U’s© to ensure you write a high-converting headline every single time…
  • The different kinds of headlines you can write and have at your disposal as a top-flight copywriter…
  • What WINNING headlines look like — proven winners, written by the best in the business…
  • And much more!
Week 3 GO TIME: Write a Compelling Lead

With a new understanding of the structure of a sales letter…

Loads of research at hand…

And your Big Idea and headline “fine-tuned”…

It’s time to start writing a compelling LEAD.

The lead is the early part of your promotion where you engage your reader with a strong promise… and glue them to the rest of your sales copy.

And in this session, Sandy will show you how to do all this and more.

You’ll discover:

  • What the MAIN job of your lead is… and how to make sure you fulfill that job each and every single time…
  • The six kinds of leads you can write and what makes each one “tick”…
  • The biggest mistake new copywriters make with writing their lead — and how to avoid making it yourself…
  • How to make writing your lead EASY with the LEAD MATRIX tool, which shows you “what” to write your lead about and how to structure it…
  • How long your lead should be (this way, you’ll never be scratching your head, wondering if you’ve written “enough”)…
  • What The 4 P’s are and how to use them to turbocharge your lead…
  • And much more.

After this week’s session, you’ll get to work on a headline and lead. And then you’ll submit it for review, so you can see where your copy shines… and where it needs some polish.

This way, you’ll be ready to write the rest of your sales letter.

Week 4 Decoding the “Secret” Structure of a WINNING Sales Letter

One of the most intimidating parts of writing a sales letter is simply how LONG it can be.

After all — writing 12, 20, or even 40 pages of copy can be intimidating and overwhelming!

But the good news is — Sandy’s got you covered!

You’ll never sit at a blank screen and think Where do I start? How do I know what to write, where?

Because you’ll take a DEEP dive into decoding the “secret” structure of a winning sales letter.

With Sandy’s guiding hand, you’ll discover:

  • How to “reverse engineer” ANY successful sales promo and break it down to the hidden structure that makes it work (and how you can learn to do this FAST)…
  • The FIVE basic components of EVERY sales letter (you’ll never wonder what goes where again!)…
  • How to “transition” between each of the components and make sure EVERY sentence in your sales copy has a purpose and moves the sale forward…
  • How long each section needs to be (and why understanding this is critical to a long and successful career)…
  • How to trigger your prospect’s “buy buttons” with techniques used by the best writers in our industry…
  • The evolution of sales promotions and why the format doesn’t matter so long as you know how to decode the “hidden” structure (this includes magalogs, bookalogs, and more)…
  • And much more!
Week 5 Writing Kick-Butt Body Copy

The “body copy” of your letter is the roughly 60% of your letter that falls between the end of the lead and where the offer is made…

(And don’t worry — you’ll learn how to craft killer offers too.)

But the body copy is where you “show” your product working through a series of stories, anecdotes, or vignettes… and by layering all kinds of proof throughout in the form of data, facts, figures, endorsements, testimonials, and other “nuggets” that get uncovered during research.

Although the body copy is certainly the longest part of your letter — it’s actually the easiest part of your letter to write!

You’ll discover:

  • The FOUR traits of killer body copy and how to incorporate each one successfully…
  • The 10 questions your body copy should answer each and every single time…
  • The kinds of proof elements to use in your sales letter and when…
  • The FIVE stages of persuasion and how to make sure you address each one in your body copy…
  • How to showcase your product’s USP throughout your sales letter (without sounding repetitive)…
  • How to feature your product’s future benefits and why they’re just as important as the immediate ones…
  • And much, much more.

Week 6 Crafting a Killer Offer and the Call to Action

At this point, you’ve come up with a winning Big Idea… you’ve got a powerful headline and lead… and you’ve written persuasive and engaging body copy that has your prospect champing at the bit to BUY what you’re selling.

And even though you’re 80% of the way home, the 20% that remains can “make or break” your copy.

Because if your offer isn’t irresistible, you’ll still lose the sale despite all the hard work you’ve done up until this point.

Sandy will make sure that does NOT happen with your copy!

You’ll learn:

  • How to write a killer offer that clinches the sale…
  • What an offer IS in the simplest terms and why it’s important to understand this…
  • The five characteristics of an irresistible offer and examples of winning offers you can “model” for your sales letter…
  • A powerful technique for tipping the scales in your favor when it comes to your offer…
  • How to craft a “no-brainer” value proposition that makes a prospect WANT to whip out their wallet and BUY…
  • And much more!

PLUS — you’ll learn how to get your reader to act with a compelling call to action.

You’ll learn:

  • How to craft a powerful call to action…
  • The secret of the “false close” and the five different ways you can do it…
  • How to word your call to action so it pushes your reader to take action…
  • The two most important questions your call to action should answer for the reader…
  • How to crush any last-minute objections the reader might have to buying right now…
  • How to use scarcity and urgency to double your response (and how to create both for any product you’re selling)…
  • The different types of guarantees you can use (and when)…
  • How to close your letter out with an effective P.S… .
  • And much more…
Week 7 Hot Seat to Improve Your Copy

This week, you’ll meet with Sandy to watch her review copy in real time. You’ll watch as she gives you or your fellow sales letter specialists-in-training feedback on their copy.

Plus, you’ll be able to ask questions, see why Sandy changes things around or gives you suggestions for improvement, and much more.

Getting to watch a legend give feedback like this is priceless. So be sure to take plenty of notes, because you’ll hear gem after gem that you can use again and again on your own copy, once you’re a working copywriter.

Week 8 Client-Getting Strategies

Whew! By this point, you should be VERY PROUD of yourself!

You’ve written an entire sales letter. You’ve learned the nuances that make a sales letter great. And you’ve proved to yourself that you CAN do this.

The confidence this infuses you with is simply amazing. And you’ll feel on top of the world by now.

Which is why, in this session, you’re ready for what Sandy has in store for you — a complete A–Z training on how to LAND paying clients!

You’ll discover strategies for landing clients that are highly effective (you might have to stop using them or risk getting TOO busy!)…

Plus — you’ll learn:

  • Why if you have no clients and no portfolio, you don’t have to worry (and what you should do)…
  • The two most powerful sites to start looking for the kinds of clients that can pay you big fees for your sales letter writing skills…
  • How to approach prospective clients (plus what to say and what NOT to say)…
  • What to do once a client says “YES!” and hires you…
  • What to say if a client asks, “Have you written a sales letter before?”
  • And much more…

BONUS Session:
How to Get Paid for Sales Letters…
… WITHOUT Doing Any Writing!

Once you learn how to write a great sales letter, you’ve got a highly valuable skill your clients will pay big money for.

And although you can easily earn six figures between the writing fees and royalties…

One little-known revenue stream trumps them all — because you can get paid for a sales letter… without having to write it.


By copy chiefing.

This is where you “review” other writers’ work. You simply help the writer strengthen their sales letter by pointing out the areas that can be improved.

And the great thing is…

You can chief two, three, or even five sales letters at once far more easily than you could ever write five sales letters at once. And you still get paid handsomely… and often get a “cut” of the royalties too!

That’s why in this bonus session, you’ll sit in with Sandy and her guest copy chiefs. They’ll discuss what it’s like… what it takes to do it successfully… and how you can take advantage of this opportunity when you’re ready. You do NOT want to miss this session!

Very Few Writers Ever Get a Chance to Do This…

Consider this YOUR personal invitation… your chance to experience a full-fledged, “in-house” training with one of the most influential and decorated copy chiefs in our industry.

This is something VERY few writers ever get to experience.

And the ones who do are the ones you typically end up hearing about through the grapevine, and how they wrote a monster of a control and are now enjoying sizable royalty checks as a result.

Remember —

This is your chance to train directly with Sandy Franks — our senior copy chief and a “living legend” in our industry.

She’ll use the proven process for taking “green” writers and whipping them into shape and making sure you're ready and confident to go out and land premium clients.

You’ll be shown the “way” — how to do the research… how to find a great Big Idea that can blow the pants off the competition… how to prove your claims… how to close the deal… how to literally transform your client’s business through the copy you write… the whole enchilada.

Then, as mentioned earlier —

You’ll get direct feedback and constructive critiques on your copy so you can polish it and make it as strong as possible.

By the time you’re done, you’ll have a finished promotion that you can use as your first portfolio piece to show prospective clients just how amazing you really are!

Plus — don’t forget…

You Could Land a $5,000 Start Fee + Generous Royalties

Sandy and the marketing team will be keeping an eye out to see if there are any writers we can snatch up for ourselves.

If we like what we see — you could get hired to work with our team as a go-to contractor — which includes a $5,000 fee for promos, plus royalties.

Make no mistake about it:

This will be an intense experience.

But by the end of it, you’ll emerge a new, more confident copywriter, knowing you’ve been trained by one of the most elite copy chiefs in our industry.

Oh — and there’s something else I want you to know.

As soon as you enroll as part of this rare training experience, you get…

Unprecedented Access
(It’s Like Being a “VIP”)

In addition to getting top-notch copywriting training, you’ll be privy to exclusive access to Sandy as your copy chief in a special Facebook group.

This is your chance to ask questions, get to know your fellow sales letter writers-in-training, and really take your understanding of all the key concepts to a whole new level.

In many ways, it’s like being at a big publishing company as a staff writer, getting trained by the best.

And Sandy’s trained many of today’s “A-listers”… so she knows exactly what it takes and how to get you there.

This is not the time to be bashful…

Ask your questions, and Sandy will be there to help guide you further in between your weekly training sessions.

Again, I have to reiterate what a huge opportunity this is.

This is like getting a private tour of Fort Knox and being allowed to go through and grab as many “free samples” as you can carry out with you…

Because once inside the private Facebook group, you’ll get plenty of opportunities to ask your questions, talk with others, and really get an “inside” look at what it takes to become a high-paid sales letter writer.

What you’ll get from this group are the kinds of secrets and strategies that typically never make it out into the “open” — yet are used in our industry by the very best.

And it’s not because they don’t want to share how they do what they do — but rather, they’re typically so busy writing controls for their clients (and cashing those royalty checks) that they don’t have time to mentor other up-and-coming writers or to create a course.

But through this training experience, you’ll have an insider’s track to making it as a top-flight sales letter writer.

Plus, that’s not all you get…

🎁BONUS!🎁 Full Unrestricted Access to AWAI’s Bestselling Blogging Program

Since you’re going to write a sales letter for our highly popular How to Write Blogs for Yourself and Clients…

It only makes sense that we give you access to it!

So beginning immediately…

You’ll receive full, unrestricted access to our How to Write Blogs for Yourself and Clients program!

This is a step-by-step guide to blogging success. And it’s perfect for anyone who would like to have a blog but doesn’t know where to start.

It gives you everything you need to

  • PLAN your blog,
  • make smart choices about the SETUP of your blog,
  • WRITE blogs at a very high level,
  • ensure a jam-packed hopper of IDEAS TO WRITE ABOUT for your blog,
  • build an AUDIENCE for your blog, and
  • turn your blog into a never-ending stream of PASSIVE INCOME…

It’s all in the program!

How to Write Blogs for Yourself and Clients is nothing short of a MASTER CLASS in great blog writing.

You can have ZERO knowledge about blogs and blog writing and be an expert by the end of it.

Not only that, but you also get bonuses to make writing and earning money from your blog faster and easier


347 “Ready to Steal” Blog Topic Ideas…

You’ll never be stuck for a blogging niche or article idea. You get 347 specific blog topic ideas that you’re free to “steal.” You’ll also learn how the most successful professional bloggers look at the world and find new blogging and story ideas in the most unexpected places…


The Technophobe’s Guide to Launching a Blog

You won’t be “slowed down” with any of the technical stuff involved with setting up a blog. In addition to what’s in the program, The Technophobe’s Guide to Launching a Blog helps you every step of the way — from getting your blog’s URL … to choosing a hosting service … to deciding between hiring a web designer or going the DIY route … to selecting an email platform … and more. Here, you’ll get the answers you need to build an “A-level” and profitable blog!


10 Successful and Highly Paid Bloggers Share Their Secrets to Earning Six or Even Seven Figures Through Blogging

Imagine the amazing insights you’ll learn from in-depth interviews with 10 of the most successful bloggers writing today — bloggers who, combined, have millions of loyal readers every month and earn tens of millions in passive money every year!

All in all, this is the most comprehensive program you’ll find on how to get up and running with your blog!

Plus — You’ll Also Have the Chance to Get CERTIFIED as a Sales Letter Copywriter

Now, what really makes this “in-house” training experience special is that at the end of it all…

… you’ll have the chance to be certified as an AWAI Verified™ Sales Letter Copywriting Specialist.

This is our highest level of learning… and tells prospective clients you can “walk the talk.”

But don’t worry — Sandy is getting you ready for this. If you attend the sessions, pay attention, and do the work… you’ll have what it takes to receive this prestigious verification.

Upon passing the certification test and passing the final assignment, you’ll receive an AWAI Verified™ badge you can use in all your marketing materials.

“Wear” this badge proudly, as it’s a serious accomplishment. It’ll put you on the path to earning better fees, having more confidence, and giving your clients confidence in your ability — even before they’ve hired you.

Which means you’ll be on a VERY short list of writers who can claim to be trained by one of the best copy chiefs in the business and have the badge to prove it!

Access to AWAI LABS — THE Place to Hone Your Writing Skills!

I’m really excited about this — and you should be too.

It’s a brand-new training opportunity we’re offering ONLY to those writers who have demonstrated a commitment and willingness to learn.

And as soon as you successfully go through AWAI’s Sales Letter Writing Mastery & Certification with Sandy and pass your certification test… you’ll be granted immediate access.

It’s called LABS…

And it’s based on the idea that — no matter who you are, how good you are, or what you’re trying to learn — hands-on experience makes you better, faster.

It’s a simulated environment led by a working professional writer at the top of their game. We’ve built it from the ground up to give you practice with “real-world” assignments and feedback — all designed to make you a better writer through hands-on experience.

To that end, LABS will give you that experience by focusing on skills that are universal to all projects — including sales letters.

You’ll work on these projects each month and, if you want, get feedback on how to improve your writing.

It’s a great way to build your confidence… further develop your writing game… practice your mechanics… and work out a few kinks (without having to do it on your client’s dime!).


Because LABS is only for our most committed members…

Writers who’ve shown an eagerness to learn and a commitment to the craft…

We’ll be paying close attention to who’s in there.

We’ll be able to see who’s making progress on their writing…

Who’s really showing a desire to “step up” their game.

Which means that even if you aren’t one of the certification writers initially selected for our $5,000 sales letter assignment…

Keep at it…

Let us know you want it…

And you could find yourself on the receiving end of a “surprise invitation” to take part in an upcoming campaign!

To reiterate — LABS is reserved for our most elite members. And the only way you can get into this part of the training with Sandy is to complete the mentorship and receive your certification.

All this is designed to ensure you’ll have the skills to truly succeed and go as far as you want in our industry. It’s like being handed the keys to the kingdom.

You’ll literally be able to write your own ticket and earn as much as your ambition allows — whether that’s low six figures, high six figures, or even seven figures!

How Confident Will You Feel After Going Through This Intensive, In-House Training Experience?

Before moving on, I just want to quickly address a concern I hear among newer copywriters.

Many of them are intimidated by the thought of landing clients and having to “prove” themselves.

I get it.

That can certainly be scary.

It’s why this training is an absolute must if you want to experience that confidence in your skills and abilities as a copywriter.

What’s more, we designed this training for ANYONE.

You don’t need to know anything about writing sales copy. You can be a complete beginner and walk away after your eight weeks with Sandy having an amazing grasp on what it takes to write blockbuster copy for your clients.

And truth be told…

A certain amount of “ignorance” can work to your advantage here.

Mainly because it leaves you open to new ideas and able to do things the RIGHT way instead of having to let go of too many preconceived notions.

Plus, being new at this means you’ll develop the BEST habits from the very start. You won’t have to “unlearn” any bad habits at all.

So take comfort in the fact that you don’t need a ton of prior experience or writing “education” to do this.

You just need a great attitude and a hunger to LEARN.

If you have that and put in the effort, Sandy can take it from there… and help you achieve a level of success that could surpass your wildest dreams of what’s possible for you.

You truly could go from being where you are now…

… to being one of our industry’s superstars.

And after this training experience, you’ll have a newfound confidence that you CAN do this and reach the top of our industry.

It’s Time to Leapfrog Your Way to Copywriting Success

There’s no question:

Working in-house for a big direct-response company is the most effective way to sharpen your skills and boost your income as a writer.

And that’s exactly the opportunity you have here in a condensed, eight-week format.

This “in-house” training experience will be as if you’d been hired by a large publisher to start working with them.

You’ll learn how to write a promo from start to finish, using the methods taught by Sandy — a copy chiefing legend.

Truth be told, this is the kind of “real-world experience” that normally can’t be “bought” at any price.

The only way to get access like this has been to get hired on as a staff writer at one of these big publishers.

But now, you have an opportunity to skip the hard part and get straight to what matters to your success.

How much would you invest to give yourself a pretty good chance at making $100,000–$500,000+ a year?

That is what’s at stake here.

And that’s why even a $15,000 investment would be quite a bargain.

But fortunately, the investment in this one-of-a-kind experience won’t be anywhere near that much. In fact, you won’t even pay $10,000.

Remember, you’re getting:

  • THREE powerful “prep” trainings that will give you a strong and solid foundation from which to build your long-term success and career…
  • EIGHT LIVE training sessions with Sandy online, where you’ll sharpen your sales letter writing skills at an accelerated pace…
  • A BONUS training session on how to get paid for a sales letter — WITHOUT doing any of the writing…
  • DIRECT ACCESS to Sandy, via the private, trainees-only Facebook group. This is where you can get your questions answered and meet your fellow “A-list” copywriters-in-training…
  • A chance to join our team as a contractor for a MAJOR project… that comes with a $5,000 start fee plus royalties…
  • The opportunity to earn the prestigious AWAI Verified™ Sales Letter Copywriting Specialist badge which you can proudly display in all your marketing materials and communications with prospective clients…
  • Access to our elite LABS experiential skill-building sessions (access available upon successfully meeting your certification requirements)…
  • Complimentary access to How to Write Blogs for Yourself and Clients (a $497 value…)

In all, it’s priceless.

This is your rare chance to get a complete education and experience in joining the ranks of the highest-earning copywriters out there.

Even at $7,500, this would be a steal (especially when you consider this wasn’t previously available at ANY price, and how quickly you can be up and running, getting paid $5,000 or more for your sales letters).

But because AWAI is serious about training a new generation of six-figure “A-list” writers… where we can find writers to work with us or recommend to fellow marketers who come to us asking for help finding good copywriters…

I talked with Sandy and we both agreed that we should make this as affordable as possible for anyone serious about their writing career.

So even though $5,000 would be more than fair for this exclusive training (and is the price we agreed on)…

You won’t even pay that.

If you enroll today, attendance at this exclusive training event is only $2,500.

Land an assignment, and your start fee of $5,000 would more than cover your investment.

And if you land a full-time gig with one of the many publishers out there desperate for writers…

… you’re looking at the potential for a six- or even seven-figure income.

At just $2,500, it’s one of the best investments you could ever make.

But we understand that paying out $2,500 — or even putting that amount on a credit card — is a big ask of any new writer starting out …

So, we’ve created a simple and more affordable way to get started with this once in a lifetime training …

You’ll pay just $500 today to get started, and then $500 monthly payments for the four months that follow.

It’s as easy as that.

Grab My Spot Now

One more thing I should mention…

Sandy Is COMMITTED to Your Success

Because Sandy is putting her reputation on the line in training a new group of recruits, she is MORE than committed to seeing you succeed at this.

Anything she can do to help you during your eight weeks with her — she’s more than willing to do.

So make sure to ASK within the Facebook group, where you’ll have direct access to her.

For instance…

Last time she worked with AWAI members, one of the writers named Rikki came with a project she had gotten from a new client… and she wanted to gain the skills and the confidence to line up more assignments in the future.

So, Sandy worked with her on her letter — making it as strong as it could possibly be.

But more importantly, after working with Rikki for a few weeks, Sandy was confident she’d become a far better writer… and was worth quite a bit more than the fee she’d been offered…

That’s when Sandy showed her how to negotiate a substantially higher fee for her next project. Sandy even helped her with her proposal — and the client immediately accepted it… higher fees and all!

So, you see…

This truly is a unique opportunity — to not only learn a ton about writing successful sales letters…

But also to have someone with vast experience guide you and champion your success as well!

It’s Your Time to Shine!

This is truly a once-in-a-lifetime kind of opportunity to train as an “in-house” writer would.

You get to learn from one of the best in the business.

And, you’ll have the kind of training under your belt that only a very small percentage of writers in our industry ever get the privilege to go through.

Not surprisingly, the majority of the “big hitters” in our industry are the very ones who’ve gone through this kind of in-house training.

That’s because you’ll build a solid foundation.

From having a deep understanding of our industry… to learning how your copy affects your client’s business… to how to do research the RIGHT way… to how to find winning BIG Ideas… to how to write compelling leads…

… and so much more.

By the time you’re done, there won’t be any kind of sales letter project you can’t take on.

And let’s not forget — you’re committing eight weeks of intense focus to master a skill that could realistically pay you a six-figure income — for life.

Because most sales letter projects pay $5,000… $7,500… even $12,500 or more.

And that’s not even counting the royalty checks you could receive (which frankly, can really add up!).

Oh — remember —

I’m serious about the assignment for AWAI with a start fee of $5,000 and royalties.

If you impress us, you’ll be receiving an email letting you know and asking you where we should send your check!

So I highly recommend you secure your spot now, if you want to train like an “in-house” writer.

As soon as you sign up, you’ll get immediate access to the “pre-trainings” that will give you a solid foundation on which to build your coming success.

This way, you can begin your journey right away and start working on the kind of copy that could turn you into a superstar.

And remember, we’re not sure when Sandy will have time to do it again — she is, after all, our senior copy chief and we need her help to keep up with our own copy demands!

Simply click the button below to get started!

Yes! I want to train with Sandy as my copy chief!

To your success,

Rebecca Matter
President, AWAI

P.S. If you’ve ever found yourself feeling a little “envious” when you’ve heard about a copywriter who wrote a multimillion-dollar promotion and made out like a bandit with royalties, then this is your moment.

It’s your chance to even the playing field and train like the top writers do…

Remember — this is the same process that’s taken people from ALL walks of life — grocery clerks, CPAs, and even former limo drivers — and turned them into copywriters capable of producing one winning control after another.

Just think how different your life could be once you’ve experienced this “in-house training”… and how confident you’ll feel in your ability to tackle any copy project that comes your way.

After all, you’ll be trained by literally one of the BEST copy chiefs in the industry (frankly, Sandy’s ability to produce top-notch writers is legendary).

But you’ve got to take that first step.

Grab your spot today, before it’s too late.

Grab My Spot Now

P.P.S. If you’re unsure whether this is right for you, we’ve got you covered…

You can “test the waters” with AWAI’s Sales Letter Writing Mastery & Certification completely risk-free.

Here’s how it works:

Sign up right now and grab one of the available spots for this exclusive “in-house” training.

Go through all the “pre-training” modules.

Then, attend your very first session with Sandy on May 18 at 3 p.m. ET.

Get a “feel” for everything, see what’s in store for you, and get an idea of what you can expect as a sales letter writer.

If for any reason by the end of this first session you don’t feel this is right for you, no worries.

Just let us know before the start of the second session on May 25, and you’ll get a full and immediate refund of every penny you’ve paid.

But truthfully, I don’t think that will happen.

This is one of the most exciting trainings we’ve created.

And could be one of the most significant things you’ll ever do for your writing career.

So, what are you waiting for?

You’ve got nothing to lose…

And a highly successful copywriting career to gain!

Click the button below to get started.

Grab My Spot Now