Hard Reset Your Copywriting Career
On your writing journey, there’s going to be a moment when you get stuck. When you stop making the progress you want… and can’t quite put your finger on why.
That’s when you know it — you’ve hit a block.
And to help you combat that feeling, Terri Trespicio reveals to you…
- the invisible rules and “accidental definitions” that can stop writers dead in their tracks…
- why your struggles may actually be caused by trying to chase after so many OPGs…
- how you accumulate “baggage” on your writing journey — and what you can do to check those bags, fast…
- what you’re doing… unintentionally, of course!… to dampen your own creativity, curiosity, and potential for greatness…
Plus a whole lot more…
But, breaking through a block is hard to do on your own — especially if you’re not clear about WHY you’re not making the progress you want.
Which is why AWAI is teaming up with Terri to help you recapture the excitement and momentum of your writer’s life through a six-week program called…
Hard Reset
Over the course of six weeks, Terri will teach you how to stop spending your precious time and life on things that have no value to you, so you can leave all your major roadblocks behind.
But you won’t have just Terri’s help…
We’ve created an AWAI-exclusive cohort, so you’ll be “in the trenches” with fellow writers who are experiencing the same roadblocks as you…
Giving you not only a strong sounding board to bounce ideas off of…
But a group to hold you accountable, full of people who “get it.”
This is your chance to make changes in your life that actually make things different.
To become more empowered and energized, strong and unstoppable.
To leave behind old rules, old patterns, and old limits.
For good.
So let’s do it together!
Just make sure you sign up soon — we start next week!