Summit Playback Now Available!

Thank You for Being a Part of Our “Google Crisis” Emergency Summit

Given the urgent nature of this summit and
the immediate impact it is certain to have
on your writing career…


Google’s at it again…

Changing rules… tinkering with search algorithms… once again, with the stated mission of improving the content search experience for its users.

It’s a noble idea…

But at the same time, many businesses — including your current and future clients — were blindsided…

And these changes are having a massive impact on their sales and profits.

So what does all this have to do with you?

As a copywriter, you need to be aware of the challenges your clients are facing… and the opportunities they create!

Because with all the knowledge and skills you have — and AWAI can teach you — only YOU can bring the fast solutions businesses need…

And in some cases… could actually save a business from extinction!

That’s why it’s crucial you watch our emergency summit…

Where you’ll learn about the kind of search-related content this “new” Google algorithm is looking for — and why companies solely dependent on AI-generated content are doomed…

And the amazing value you can bring to companies right away by helping them “dial up” other marketing channels that aren’t subject to Google’s whims, like email, e-newsletters, social media, and more.

Watch the entire summit here:

** Ready to Help? **
Become a Circle of Success Member Today!

With all of Google’s changes, businesses need you to open up new marketing avenues that aren’t so tied to Google…

Like newsletters…

Like social media…

Like email…

And our highest level of personalized, mentored learning can help you meet the demand for these projects.

Not to mention the many other copy projects Circle of Success members can readily learn — not *just* through lifetime access to our ever-growing resource library…

But also through special summits and workshops — like the two we have coming up “back-to-back” on social media and e-newsletters.

Right now, you can join Circle of Success under the absolute best membership terms we’ve ever offered.

We’ve made membership less expensive to access…

More flexible to meet your professional needs…

And you can get FULL ACCESS to everything today — and be part of our first social media summit — for less than you might pay for a single program!

Get all the details on this incredible offer here.

(Are you an Infinity member? Your deal to upgrade is even better. Learn more here.)