(You Need to See This Now)

Writer sitting in a chair with laptop

Tonight (at midnight) we’ll be closing down Infinity enrollment.

Are you in?

This is your opportunity to lock in Infinity membership at the lowest price you’ll ever see for it …

And to claim a 100% credit on ANYTHING you’ve purchased from AWAI in 2024 — programs, courses, Bootcamp, certifications, mentorships …

It all counts!

>> Secure your spot now.

Infinity is the ultimate copywriter’s resource — offering LIFETIME ACCESS to over $60,000 worth of AWAI skill- and business-building programs, books, courses, and guides we offer now.

Plus, you’re entitled to every new resource we add from this day forward.

There’s even a no-fee, no-interest, no-credit-check payment plan that lets you have FULL ACCESS TO EVERYTHING NOW for just $247 today …

And if you decide Infinity isn’t for you, you can simply cancel anytime, and we’ll stop your payment plan.

On top of everything else, you have a full 30 days to check out this massive library — at ZERO risk!

But time is running out …

Secure your spot right now with that small first payment — and we’ll get back to you with your personal discounts and payment plan details tomorrow.

Don’t miss out!

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Published: September 20, 2024

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