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How to Write Video Scripts that Keep Eyes Glued to the Screen!

Discover the writing principle you can use to keep your audience hanging on your every word in every article, email, sales letter, or video script you write. Here’s how to harness this power to earn bigger writing fees.

Write Better with These 3 Techniques Used by the Pros

Discover three core techniques and habits that set professional writers apart from wannabes. Practicing these simple skills on a consistent basis will help propel your writing career to new levels.

Seven Key Words Clients Really Want You to Know (These Words Can Even Determine Your Success as a Writer!)

Every business has its own lingo… and there are words you need to understand to be a successful writer. Here are seven of them, plus how you can learn more so you look like a pro.

Calling All Armchair Detectives… Puzzle Lovers… and Curiosity Seekers: Discover the “Hidden Gem” of the Writing World

You may be a good fit for this high-paid writing specialty. Here are six clues to find out. Plus, discover why this project is the cornerstone of a B2B marketing campaign.

Why the Smartest People Have Tons of Unread Books

The smartest, most successful people in the world have a trait in common. The good news is, it’s entirely attainably by anyone willing to do one thing.

Why Finding Nemo Almost BOMBED: Discover How Pixar’s Last-Minute “Fix” Narrowly Avoided Box-Office Catastrophe

Three tricks you can steal from Pixar’s million-dollar “cutting-room” process to transform your writing into “A-level” storytelling.

How I Used Bullet Journaling to Double My Productivity as a Writer

If you’ve tried planners, calendars, and other systems without success in your quest for organization, this new option may be the answer you need.

Why is Copywriting Like Spaghetti Sauce?

Learn about targeting a specific customer base from, of all places, a study about spaghetti sauce. It’s an important lesson about appealing to clients.