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Google’s Search Journeys — What You Need to Know

Google works hard to improve user experience. One recent innovation is Google’s Search Journeys… and it means new opportunities for you as a writer.

Nail Your Writing Goals by Keeping Promises to Yourself

Keeping the promises you make to yourself is a powerful tool to help you reach your writing goals and boost your self-worth.

Writing Is Your Superpower

No matter how much you love it or how talented you are, being a writer can be tough. Overcome the hard times by seeing writing as a superpower.

Do You Have a Vision Beyond Your Goals?

Goal-setting is essential to achieving what you want from life. But before you set goals there’s an important step to take. Defining your vision.

Networking Tips That Work… Even If You Think You Hate Networking

If the idea of networking makes you want to hide, don’t give up on it just yet. Try these great networking tips for anyone who usually hates networking.

Simple Steps to Boost Your Marketing Confidence

If you want a steady stream of writing gigs, you have to market yourself. Use this 3-step process to boost your marketing confidence.