Attention Writers! Here’s a “once-in-a-lifetime” opportunity for you…

👑 We’ve Teamed Up with
Social Media “Royalty” to Help You
Get CERTIFIED in One of The MOST VALUABLE Skills Out There —
Social Media Strategy!

Hi there,

I have something special to tell you about today…

It’s a rare opportunity for you to train with a world-renowned EXPERT in social media.

With someone so good…

According to Forbes:

“… Even Facebook asks for her help."

She’s been called the “Queen” of Facebook…

… Social Media Royalty…

And is without a doubt — THE preeminent social media expert of our time.

Her name?

Mari Smith!

Rebecca Matter
Mari Smith Social Media Expert

If I could only have one word to describe Mari, it’s AMAZING!

In fact, you might not know this, but…

Mari came to the U.S. from Scotland with about $50 in her pocket back in 1999.

But through sheer determination and perseverance, she MASTERED social media.

She’s amassed well over 1.2 million followers across her social media platforms, and at breakneck speed, rose to prominence in our industry.

IBM named Mari as one of seven women who are shaping digital marketing.

Her client list includes Adobe, AT&T, Bank of America, HubSpot, Facebook, Pinterest, Verizon, Nations Lending, and Tony Robbins.

She’s been THE premier Facebook Marketing expert for 16 years.

So much so…

Facebook Hired Her to
Train Their Own Staff!

Then, they used HER training materials to create their own training for advertisers to help them understand the platform and what it means to create “valuable” and engaging content!

So it comes as no surprise she’s a sought-out speaker, trainer, and expert on all things social media.

If you want to get exponentially better results from your social media strategy — Mari Smith is who you call.

And now, she’s agreed to spend FIVE WEEKS with you, training you in her methods, processes, and frameworks for helping your clients get more traffic, more leads, and more sales!

Your RARE, Exclusive Opportunity to Train DIRECTLY with Mari Smith… … and TRANSFORM into a
Social Media Marketing
STRATEGIST in Just 35 Days!

As you can imagine, someone with as much positive recognition as Mari is BUSY!

After all, she’s helping those on the Fortune 500 improve their social media game.

But fortunately, after some and forth, we were able to lock her down for FIVE WEEKS, to teach you everything she knows about strategic social media marketing.

It’s ALL part of our BRAND-NEW Social Media Strategist Certification.

This is a step-by-step training that will give you EVERYTHING you need to become a certified Social Media Marketing Strategist.

And it will eliminate the most common obstacles folks face when trying to go down this route.

Consider it your straight shot to expert status, working with high-paying clients, all in just 35 days.

In short, this training is designed to:

  • Help you MASTER social media strategy…
  • Give you the ability to CONSISTENTLY generate traffic, leads, and sales for your clients…
  • Help you make a LOT of money, month after month, by showing you exactly HOW to get clients, using one of Mari’s FAVORITE and most effective approaches!

This is why you’ll meet with Mari twice per week, for at least one hour.

She’ll hold nothing back. And give you ALL her best practices… the very same ones she uses in her own business with all of her clients.

You’re about to immerse yourself into the world of social media… and emerge someone who’s confident, capable, and ready to start making big money!

Take a look…

Session 1

Your Foundation for Becoming an In-Demand Social Media Strategist

Mari will start you from ground zero and “build you up” from there.

That’s why in this first session, you’ll get a solid foundation in what social media marketing is all about.

You’ll see how this differs from the way most businesses approach social media, and see why you are so valuable in helping them turn their social media marketing into a viable source of ongoing leads and clients.

You also discover:

  • Why you’ll be a partner with your clients instead of a helping hand for hire… and why you’ll instantly elevate yourself to expert status…
  • How you’ll help your clients generate more leads, sales, and revenue using social media…
  • Why there’s a huge need for social media STRATEGY, now more than ever before — across the board, in the business world (especially thanks to AI)…
  • All the different ways you can choose to get PAID as a Social Media Marketing Strategist…
  • What niches you might want to start focusing on when you’re starting out…
  • And much more!
Session 2

The Current State of the Social Media Landscape

Now that you’ve got a good foundation and overview on the opportunity and understand how you’ll succeed as a Social Media Strategist…

… it’s critical you understand where we are right now and what the current state of the social media landscape looks like.

This will give you the critical context you need to set yourself up for success from the very start — and also help you talk with your clients and explain why your services are so valuable.

You’ll discover:

  • The “big shift” happening right now across the board in social media, and why it’s such a huge benefit to YOU — a Social Media Marketing Strategist…
  • How AI is changing the game, making strategy even more important (and making you and the services you offer even MORE valuable)…
  • What’s working right now and what’s no longer working — and how to “gently” let your clients know why their current social media efforts haven’t been working so well…
  • What “vanity” metrics are and why they don’t matter all that much anymore (and what your clients need to focus on instead)…
  • The importance of community and how it fits into the overall social media marketing picture…
  • And much more!
Session 3

The 4 Paths Your Clients Can Take with Social Media

As a Social Media Marketing Strategist, one of the biggest ways you bring value to the table is letting your clients know what they need to do and how to do it.

And you’ll start by identifying which one of the four paths they’re currently on with social media:

  1. Influencer
  2. Creator
  3. Marketer
  4. Strategist

Making your client aware of this will be insanely valuable on its own. Because the vast majority of businesses are following the wrong path (and don’t even know it).

And here’s a helpful hint:

YOU are also on one of these paths if you’re currently on social media or have ever tried using it to land new clients for yourself!

So not only will this session enlighten you on how to help your clients…

… you’ll learn how to help yourself.

Mari will show you:

  • How to quickly identify which path (or combination of paths) your client is on…
  • A simple test for knowing if that path is the best fit for your client’s business trajectory and goals…
  • How to help your clients quickly pivot to the correct path for what they want to achieve (along with proven ways to do so)…
  • The pros and cons of each path, and why you can get massive results without needing massive reach and engagement…
  • And much more!
Session 4

The Secret Sauce to Your Success — Mari's 3-Part “C+C+C = R” Evergreen Formula

Just like a world-class chef has their unique recipes that put them on the map…

Mari’s developed a powerful, time-tested formula that’s practically guaranteed to deliver results for you and your clients.

It’s her proprietary “C+C+C = R” evergreen formula.

And it’s what she uses with ALL her clients — including those like Adobe, AT&T, Bank of America, HubSpot, Facebook, Pinterest, and Verizon.

Now, she’s passing it on to you, and giving you full permission to use it with YOUR clients!

You’ll discover:

  • What the “C+C+C = R” evergreen formula is…
  • Why it works SO darn well…
  • How to apply Mari’s three-part formula to all four social media paths to success…
  • And much more!
Session 5

Boost Organic Reach with the 7 Kinds of Best-Performing Social Media Content

Armed with Mari’s three-part evergreen formula, now it’s time to learn all about creating and publishing the best-performing type of content to social media.

Mari will show you the guiding principles to doing this, so you can then transfer them to any of the many social media platforms, including Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok.

Specifically, you’ll learn:

  • The seven categories of effective social media content (plus examples of each)…
  • What the best-performing content across the top social platforms looks like…
  • How the “organic” algorithms work and how to give them what they want for maximum impact…
  • Why posting a LOT of content to social media is a BIG mistake — and what you should do instead…
  • The one content type EVERYONE needs to focus on (since it carries a lot of weight with the algorithms)…
  • What “loyalty” means in the world of social media and why it’s important…
  • Proven methods for increasing your organic reach…
  • And much more!
Session 6

How to Create Compelling Video Content

As I’m sure you’ve noticed, more and more, video is taking center stage across ALL social media platforms.

That’s why it’s important to know how to create compelling video content — whether for yourself or your clients.

And even if you don’t personally want to be on camera, you need to be able to tell your client what to do and how to do it.

That’s why in this session, you’ll get a crash course on everything video-content related!

You’ll discover:

  • “On camera” best practices for creating amazing — and engaging — videos…
  • Mari’s recommended gear for having a “pro” studio setup — including what camera to use, lights, mics, and accessories (your client will think you’ve been doing this for years!)…
  • How to create video scripts for your clients as an added service…
  • How to connect more deeply with your audience and guide them to take action during live streams…
  • The best apps and tools for quickly and easily creating professional-quality videos, including repurposing video content…
  • And much more!
Session 7

Build a Thriving Community of People Who Love You and Love to Buy from You

Now more than ever, people are craving hanging out with other people like them in online communities.

It’s one of the big shifts happening right now and it’s important for you, as a Social Media Marketing Strategist, to know how this will play into your client’s overall strategy.

That’s why in this session, you’ll discover:

  • Why building a highly-engaged community is more important now than ever before…
  • What closed and public communities are, and which is better for getting great client results…
  • How to use a Facebook Group as your “top of funnel”…
  • Ways to use LinkedIn groups when dealing with a more professional, business-oriented audience…
  • The best alternative platforms to house your community…
  • How to manage a community…
  • Simple ways to make your community more “sticky” so people want to keep coming back…
  • And much more!
Session 8

How to Use Mari’s “Amplify” Process to Maximize Your Client’s Leads and Sales

It’s one thing to know how to write great content for social media.

It’s an entirely different ball game to know how to maximize that content, so you can generate traffic, leads, and sales on a nearly predictable and consistent basis.

Good news for you:

Mari has figured all this out already.

In fact, she’s developed her “Amplify” process that allows you to do just that.

That’s why in this session, you’ll discover:

  • What Mari’s “Amplify” process is, and how to deploy it for yourself and your clients…
  • Proven ways to ensure you’re always generating consistent traffic, leads, and sales with your organic content…
  • Why having multiple “fresh” lead magnets is so important…
  • The #1 thing practically every business misses when it comes to maximizing their social media results…
  • Strategies for turning followers and “Likes” into cash…
  • How to think of each individual post — and why it’s absolutely critical to getting great results…
  • And much more!
Session 9

Social Media Ad Fundamentals

A key part to any highly successful social media marketing strategy includes paid social ads.

Which is why if you don’t know the first thing about social media ads…

… it’s critical to get you up to speed quickly!

In this session, you’ll get an in-depth overview on the universal principles that apply to advertising across ALL social media platforms.

This way, if your client asks you about the performance of their ads or how to improve them, you’ll be able to help out and give them even greater value.

You’ll discover:

  • The fundamentals behind every social media ad campaign…
  • How to write copy for social media ads…
  • How to work with ad teams your client may already be working with…
  • How to “dial in” your targeting parameters to reach your warmest audiences…
  • How to pour rocket fuel onto a successful ad campaign by using custom and lookalike audiences…
  • Proven ways to expand your reach and results even further, and exponentially grow your leads and sales…
  • And much more!
Session 10

Package Your Social Media Marketing Offerings

Whew — you made it to the last and final session! Pat yourself on the back, because by this point, you’ve come a long way.

You now know how to generate consistent leads and sales with social media…

You know the four paths and how to determine which path your client should take…

You know all about organic reach and how to create content the algorithms favor…

You know the basics of social media ads and can hold your own…

And so much more.

Now it’s time to put all that knowledge to use — with CLIENTS!

And to that end, Mari will prepare you throughout.

She’ll show you how to package your services, so you can start attracting clients ASAP.

You’ll discover:

  • How to find the biggest pain points in the marketplace and position yourself as the obvious solution…
  • Unique and creative ways to speak to your client’s frustrations so they’ll hire you…
  • How to rise above the noise and be the one your ideal clients take notice of and remember…
  • How to package your social media marketing services…
  • Why you want to be a Strategist first and foremost…
  • And much more!

Everything You Need to Tap into the Coming $2 Trillion Wave of Wealth

As you can see, Mari’s leaving no stone unturned.

You’ll go from “I’m not sure how to do any of this” to landing great clients who’ll pay you premium fees and want to keep paying you month after month.

And, you benefit from her years of experience — being in the trenches, testing new ideas, and finding what really works.

So you can feel confident when a client hires you, you’ll KNOW without a shadow of a doubt how to get them the results they need — more traffic, leads, and sales.

More importantly, you’ll know how to do so now, as things start to shift and social media platforms and communities become more important than ever before…

And, as things move towards social commerce (the phenomenon of people making purchases from companies via their social media profiles) — which is expected to hit $2 trillion in the next 18 months…

You’ll be ready as well.

This is why a six-figure income is realistic when you know how to create and implement social media marketing strategies for your clients.

Your Ticket to REAL Freedom

Just think…

Right in front of you is a very real opportunity to go from where you are now…

… to living life as a successful Social Media Marketing Strategist, helping clients get real results.

If you’re at the starting gate, that means you can trade in the long commutes… the job you don’t enjoy… and the office politics…

… for control over your life, the flexibility to work when you want and where you want, and doing work that not only matters, but is making a positive and lasting difference in your clients’ lives.

After all — sales are the lifeblood of any business.

No sales, no business.

And you’ll be at the forefront of it all, helping your clients do just that: generating traffic, leads, and sales.

So you can be proud of what you’re doing… and know you’re getting paid VERY well to do it!

Because here’s the thing —

If you’re getting great results for your client, they will want to have you on retainer…

Meaning, they want you to help them month after month.

Clients will happily “lock in” your time and consistently pay you thousands of dollars month after month!

Heck, some social media specialist-type agencies charge up to $25,000 each month!

So a retainer of $1,500… $3,000… or even $5,000 per month, per client for you as a Social Media Marketing Strategist is easily attainable.

That’s steady income you can rely on, flowing in every single month like a paycheck from a full-time J-O-B (only with a lot less hours and way more flexibility!).

And frankly, clients won’t bat an eyelash when it comes to paying you these rates.

I mean, think about it:

Let’s say you’re a business owner and you know that every new customer you get ends up spending $2,000 with you over the course of a year.

And, let’s say that thanks to implementing your social media strategy, your client is getting 20 new customers a month.

That’s $40,000 worth of new business coming in the door… EVERY MONTH!

So tell me…

As that business owner, if someone is helping to bring in $40K per month in new business, would you pay them $5,000 every month in exchange?

I know I would!

After all — who would want to pass up trading $5,000 to get $40,000 every time?

This means you’re a great investment to your client. You’re the “goose that lays the golden eggs.”

They’ll want to keep paying you every month, for as long as they can.

Which is why it’s not crazy to say you could end up with your first client much sooner than you think, when you take the path and become a Social Media Marketing Strategist.

Businesses WANT their social media to give them more traffic, leads, and sales. They just have no clue how to do it, and don’t have the time to figure it all out.

Which makes it like shooting fish in a barrel for you in terms of finding and working with only the best clients.

And for you, that means ultimate FREEDOM.

Because you’ll be constantly in-demand, with a valuable skill you can offer from anywhere in the world you call home.

Remember, you’ll not only be able to use your marketing savvy and vision to create the all-important STRATEGY your clients need…

You could also get paid a second time to create all the posts, video scripts, and more they’ll need to EXECUTE the strategy you put together.

And that’s where the fun really happens for you!

Because by now, you’re acquainted with how social media works, and you’ve no doubt written countless social media posts yourself.

Now you’ll be PAID to write updates and create attention-grabbing posts!

With its fast pace, writing for social media is interesting and a blast.

You’ll be “in-the-trenches” with your client’s customers, learning more every day about their needs and interests, and what language they use. It’s impossible to be bored when you’re writing for this high-energy segment of the market.

You’ll have the skills to build a community of engaged followers, and your value to your clients will continually increase. All while you collect reliable monthly retainers of $1,500… $3,000… $5,000 or more.

Mari will give you all the knowledge you need to make this happen in the Social Media Strategist Certification.

And she’s doing it in a very unique way.


As part of this training with Mari, you’ll have the chance to get certified.

This way, your prospective clients will know without a doubt that you’re serious and have the know-how to help them get results from their social media marketing efforts.

Now, Mari will be preparing you for this Certification every step of the way.

And your chance to get certified comes in two parts:

  1. You’ll complete a Certification test. Don’t worry… Mari will give you tips on how to pass this part with flying colors. This part of the Certification shows you know and understand everything you’ve learned.
  1. You’ll apply your knowledge to a final assignment. This is the part where it gets VERY interesting. Because your final assignment is to implement everything Mari’s teaching you… to YOUR own business!

This final assignment requirement means you'll actively be working on building out your social media presence using everything you learn from the “Queen” of Facebook!

If you take action, this means you could start generating traffic, leads and most importantly — SALES (i.e., paying clients!) — for yourself before the training is even over.

Plus, by focusing on building out your social media presence, it prepares you to deal with clients.

After all — if they’re hiring a Social Media Marketing Strategist… don’t you think they’ll want to see what YOUR social media looks like?

This is why the final assignment is so crucial to passing your Certification and having Mari’s “blessing” to go out and help clients using what she taught you.

And speaking of which…

As soon as you pass, you’ll receive your BADGE.

Social Media Strategist Badge

USE your Badge in all of your marketing materials, including your website and social media accounts.

This is a big benefit — because when someone is looking for a qualified Social Media Strategist… all they need to see is that Badge, and instantly they’ll know they’ve found the right person for the job!

I can’t tell you how many stories we’ve had of writers who simply updated their LinkedIn profiles after they received one of AWAI’s Verified™ Badges, and then a day later had companies seeking them out to see if they were interested in writing for them.

That’s the power of Certification.

So once you pass, CELEBRATE. It’s a huge accomplishment!

How to Know If This Is Right for You

Now in a moment, I’ll tell you how you can lock in your spot to train with Mari — and become a certified Social Media Marketing Strategist.

But first…

With so many paths to living the writer’s life these days, it might be hard to know which one will resonate with you.

So let me help you out, because we’re looking for folks who are serious, and committed to their success.

Plus —

I don’t know if Mari will ever be able to do a training like this again.

This may end up being the first — and last — time it’s offered. So I want to make sure this is a tightly-knit group where I can expect to see a LOT of crazy success stories.

This Is for You, If You’re Ready To:

  • Gain serious momentum in achieving your goal to live your version of the writer’s life…
  • Take charge of your life and refuse to settle for feeling stuck, uncertain, or fearful any longer…
  • Approach this Certification experience with an open heart and mind, and learn everything Mari has to share with you in order to help you achieve true freedom as a Social Media Marketing Strategist…
  • Take action on what you learn each week, apply it to the very business you’re building, and be held accountable, so you can make real progress towards obtaining the income you want from your writing.

That last part is key. You need to be coachable and willing to put what you learn into practice.

This means making the suggested “tweaks” to your social media profiles of choice…

It means creating the kind of content using the best practices Mari gives you…

And it means having the courage to hang your shingle as a Social Media Marketing Strategist sooner than you might think…

… and offer your Social Media Audits so you can land your first paid client quickly.

If that’s you, welcome aboard!

One more thing I should mention —

Just Starting Out as a Writer, or Consider Yourself a Beginner?

It doesn’t matter if you’re a complete beginner, never been paid to write a word in your life, or anything like that.

And if for any reason that’s you, then I HIGHLY recommend you do whatever you can to enroll and learn directly from Mari.

Here’s why:

For starters, by focusing on social media, you get to skip the “paying your dues” phase most writers think they have to go through before they start making a great living.

Not only that…

You’ll immediately be catapulted to expert status. This is because as a Social Media Marketing Strategist, clients automatically give you far more respect and see you as a partner in growing their business.

Which is a good thing, because it leads to much bigger paydays and monthly retainer deals.

Plus, you’ll be armed with Mari’s tactics, frameworks, and formulas.

These WILL work for you if you implement them — and get YOU and your clients more traffic, leads, and sales!

And, you’ll have future-proofed your writing career, because frankly — social media is only becoming MORE important to any business that wants to grow in the months and years to come.

So absolutely — if you’re just starting out, I can’t recommend this path for you enough!

With that said…

You Will Need to Act Fast on This One

This training is very hands-on, and we’re fortunate Mari agreed to teach this Certification this one time.

And as I mentioned earlier, I have no clue if we’ll be able to offer this again.

Mari’s pretty busy as it is (remember, clients like Facebook, Pinterest, Verizon, AT&T, Bank of America, and others are the ones keeping her calendar full!).

Plus, we want this to be a tightly-knit group of dedicated folks.

This way, Mari can give you the focus and helpful feedback you’ll need to quickly master the skills and best practices for social media marketing.

Which is why given the knowledge and hand-holding you’ll have from one of the industry’s leading experts on social media — even Facebook asks her for help(!!)

… this will be a serious investment.


You can be making $1,500… $3,000… or even $5,000 per month, per client once you’ve learned the ropes and know how to craft and implement a killer social media marketing strategy.

And making six-figures per year is VERY doable, if that’s your goal. After all, you’re helping businesses STAY in business by bringing in more traffic, more leads, and more sales.

That, as they say, is priceless. And ensures you’ll always be in-demand, regardless of what’s happening in the economy.

That, plus the fact you’ll be actively working on your own social media presence, so you can attract your first few clients…

It’s easy to see why asking $15,000 or even $10,000 for this Certification training isn’t unreasonable.

Just one client on retainer, and you’d make that back in two or three months.

Land two clients, and you’re really knocking it out of the park.

But you won’t have to pay $15,000 or even $10,000.

I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised by the steep discount we’re giving you here today for this rare learning opportunity.

I’ll just say…

You won’t pay $7,500 or even the $5,000 we might normally charge for something like this.

Before I reveal the discount I’ve negotiated for you, let me tell you about a few more “extras” Mari’s giving you…

Use These Bonuses to Ensure Your Success Comes as Quickly as Possible!

In addition to the 10 LIVE sessions of training you get with Mari, she’s also opening up her files and giving you even more tools and resources that will help you get off to a great start.

Take a look…

BONUS #1 The New Client Discovery and
Assessment Intake Form

One of the hallmarks of a great Social Media Marketing Strategist is your ability to accurately “diagnose” what your client needs help with, and then prescribing a plan of action.

This form helps you do that automatically, by gathering the critical information you need — along with all the right questions that will quickly and easily help you understand your client’s particular situation.

When you lead with this proven intake form that Mari uses with her own clients, you’ll be able to build longer-term relationships with your clients and boost your income by providing them with a valuable package of services that meets their needs and exceeds their expectations!

BONUS #2 Land Great Clients with Your 23-Point Strategic Social Media Audit and Optimization Checklist

In addition to learning how to package your social media marketing strategy services…

Mari will give you a powerful tool for landing clients FAST —

Your very own, 23-point strategic social media audit.

This is how Mari has been able to land “big fish” clients like Verizon, AT&T, Pinterest, and Adobe.

She’ll show you how to do the audit, what to look for, and how to present your findings to your client.

This is an incredible tool to have and is insanely valuable, because it will:

  1. Demonstrate your expertise. Feeling like you need to “prove” yourself is a fear many writers have. It’s why building a portfolio is often a great idea. But with an audit, you can sidestep all that. Conducting an audit shows your expertise and knowledge in this industry — and sets you miles above the competition.
  2. Identify opportunities for you to help. The audit process can uncover MAJOR areas of improvement where you can bring massive value to your client, in exchange for your fee.
  3. Plant the seed to work with you. With your audit, you’re showing prospective clients the “Return on Investment” they can get by working with you. This alone could be what convinces them to hire you!
  4. Build trust and start the relationship. The audit gives you a great way to build trust with a prospective client and makes it much easier to start the relationship, because you’re providing value up front.

So make sure to print out your 23-Point Audit Checklist and USE it.

It’s the one tool with the potential to help you make a six-figure income for yourself!

BONUS #3 The Client Social Media Strategy Presentation Template

As you start working with clients, you’ll quickly find that most businesses out there have zero clue on how to use social media to drive more traffic, leads, conversions, and sales.

That’s why this professional-looking and step-by-step social media strategy presentation template will help you impress your clients.

It will clearly show them — in a visually appealing way — how your writing and social media strategic consulting services will directly impact their bottom line for the better (translating into higher fees for you).

Here’s Everything You Get:

As soon as you enroll and lock in your spot for the Social Media Strategist Certification, you get it all…

  • LIVE and direct training with Mari Smith — THE “Facebook Queen” and world-renowned social media thought leader.
  • 10 Training Sessions — where you’ll meet with Mari LIVE twice a week and learn directly from the master.
  • Personalized feedback — where you’ll have the opportunity to get individualized feedback on your final assignment, along with tips you can use to massively improve your own social media profile to attract your ideal clients.
  • A complete education in what it takes to turn Likes and engagement into CASH. You’ll understand exactly how to use social media to generate more traffic, leads, and sales for practically ANY business (including your own).
  • Live Q&As at the end of each Training Session so you can have Mari answer your questions on the spot.
  • Direct access to Mari via the Private Members-Only Group — this is where you have a direct line to Mari and can ask questions, post your a-ha moments, meet other fellow Social Media Marketing Strategists in-training, and more.
  • The opportunity to get CERTIFIED as a Social Media Marketing Strategist, where you’ll also get a BADGE you can proudly display in all your marketing materials (and social profiles) once you’ve passed.


  • BONUS #1: The New Client Discovery and Assessment Intake Form
  • BONUS #2: 23-Point Strategic Social Media Audit and Optimization Checklist
  • BONUS #3: The Client Social Media Strategy Presentation Template

That’s everything you need to find success right out of the gate with social media.

And as you can see…

This is a unique and rare opportunity to learn from someone of Mari’s caliber. Something that doesn’t come around that often.

You’d be hard-pressed to find this kind of information anywhere else…

After all, you’ll be learning what Mari does with her clients in her own business.

These are processes and frameworks that have taken her years to develop and perfect.

You get the advantage of skipping all that trial and error, and get the “best of the best” handed to you right from the start.

So How Much?

Hiring Mari to teach you all of this over the course of a few weeks is next to impossible…

Mari is extremely selective about working one-on-one and rarely opens up her calendar for private clients.

Which is why if you could get on her calendar for a deep dive two-hour coaching call with her, rates start at $7,500.

With this Certification, you’re getting 10 (TEN!) hour-long sessions with her — along with all the bonus resources and tools she’s giving you.

Which at her rate of $7,500 for two hours, you’re looking at a real-world value of $37,500 to go through this training.

And considering the financially valuable skill you’ll have afterwards…

… with the ability to go for a six-figure income and retainers of up to $5,000 per month per client (or more in certain cases)…

… and the ability to charge MORE to actually implement the social media marketing strategy you create…

$37,500 is truly a steal.

But as I mentioned earlier, you won’t pay anywhere near that.

I want to make sure this Certification training is within reach to you if you’re serious and committed to your success.

Because the fact of the matter is…

I have no idea if we’ll ever be able to offer this caliber of training again with someone so well-known, so in the top echelon in the social media world…

So that means this could be your one and only shot at learning and mastering this skill with Mari by your side (and getting her direct and personal guidance and feedback!).

Which is why even though we were going to charge the full $5,000 for this training…

If you act quickly and lock in your spot now, you’ll get a full 50% off:

Just $2,500.

(Click the button below to lock in your spot
today, before we close enrollment down!)
Claim My Spot!

Can’t Pay in Full? $500 Today Secures Your Spot INSTANTLY… with ZERO Risk to You!

There’s no question social media will take center stage in the very near future.

Which is why if you can’t pay the full $2,500 to be a part of this mentorship with Mari…

… no worries.

You can pay over time and lock in your spot right now for just $500.

There are no extra fees, no contracts, or anything like that.

We’ll simply split up your payment over five months, starting with your first payment today.

That secures your spot… ensures you can be on hand for Session 1 with Mari… and gets you the all-important foundation you need so you can start earning big money as a Social Media Marketing Strategist!

Claim My Spot!

There’s NO RISK to Try It Out!

I understand that sometimes situations change, life can get in the way, or the timing might not be quite right.

That’s why I’ve prepared a “No Risk” Guarantee for you.

Claim your spot today (starting with just $500 if it’s easier for you).

Join the Private Members-Only Group and introduce yourself.

Say “hi” to Mari.

Then, attend your first full session on Tuesday, May 2, 2023 at 3 p.m. ET.

If after that Session 1, you change your mind, we’ve got you covered.

Just let our Member Success Team know before the start of Session 2 on Thursday, May 4, 2023 (Star Wars Day!) and they’ll issue you a prompt and courteous refund of every penny you’ve paid up to that point.

Which means you really have nothing to lose here.

And everything to gain as a CERTIFIED Social Media Marketing Strategist!

Claim My Spot!

Only YOU Can Answer This…

Look — attention is the new currency…

And it will be one of the most valuable assets moving forward.

Businesses of all shapes and sizes will NEED to know how to effectively get and KEEP attention.

This is why social media is quickly becoming the center of it all… with social commerce expected to hit a staggering $2 trillion in the next two years.

You can take advantage and prepare now — by learning how to effectively use social media to help your clients generate more traffic, more leads, more conversions, and more sales.

This is a skill that’s not only in HIGH-DEMAND right now…

It’s a skill that will always be in high-demand.

Because sales are the lifeblood of any business — no matter what’s going on in the economy.

This is a real opportunity to build a business where you’re seen as a consultant and expert… where you can earn six-figures, with steady monthly cash flow via retainers of $1,500… $3,000… even $5,000 or more.

In my opinion, this is one of the best paths available to writers who want true freedom, flexibility, and control in their lives.

So the only question left for you to answer is:

Will you take the next step?

Lock in your spot now, while enrollment is still open.

This is your chance to future-proof your career, and have a VERY financially valuable skill for LIFE.

So if you’re ready, take that next step.


Claim My Spot!

To your success,

Rebecca Matter
President, AWAI

P.S. Remember, I don’t know if we’ll EVER be able to offer this opportunity to train directly with Mari again.

The stars aligned this time around, and we’re thrilled we got on her calendar.

So just know, this could be your one and only shot to get certified as a Social Media Marketing Strategist under Mari’s tutelage.

And if money’s tight right now (totally understandable!), you can lock in your spot for just $500 today.

Just click the button below which will take you to an order form. Select the Payment Plan option.

Claim My Spot!